100th birthday party post under construction, but am experiencing technical problems with Squarespace, the host for this blog
Wednesday, October 15, 2008 at 12:11AM
Wasilla, Alaska, by 300

Folks, if any of you come back looking for Hannah's 100th birthday party before I can successfully post it, please know that I am working on it. Unfortunately, although it comes with very nice possibilities, this online Squarespace program that I am using to host this blog can also be a glitch-filled nightmare.

Tonight it is a nightmare. As I would have done any other night, I placed three of the birthday photos, along with text, in the entry that is supposed to be here. On pictures two and three, I had to repeat the final placement action two or three times, but I did succeed.

Then, on the fourth photo, no matter how many times I tried, the online program would not complete the action. It is the same final action that was necessary to place all the photos that appear elsewhere in this blog. I spent close to half-an-hour trying to place that photo alone. I closed and restarted the program - all to no avail. As there are several more photos left to place and I simply cannot keep wasting this kind of time, I had to stop. I will try again tomorrow. Maybe it will work better then.

The frustrating thing is, I keep another blog on Google's blogspot, which is 100 percent free, and I never encounter the kind of glitches that I do on this one, which I pay for. As I have begun this blog here, and the pictures display a bit larger, and the program, once I master it, and if Squarespace works these horrible glitches out of it, seems to have more potential, I want to keep it here.

But I might give up, and move it elsewhere if these kind of problems persist. 

Anyway, come back Wednesday night or Thursday and see if I have been able to finish the post.

Article originally appeared on wasillaalaskaby300 (http://wasillaalaskaby300.squarespace.com/).
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