Catching up,* Final: Family Restaurant leftovers
Sunday, November 15, 2009 at 4:00AM
Wasilla, Alaska, by 300 in Charlie, Jacob, Kalib, Lavina, Margie, Melanie, Wasilla, dog, family

Kalib and his mom as we enter Family Restaurant. 

Other people wait to enter and they look pretty darned excited and hungry.

Charlie and Melanie soon joined us. The last time we had seen Charlie, his hair was long, so this was a bit of a surprise.

Soon, there will be a toast at the table. In fact, there will be several pieces of toast.

Melanie and Charlie, who drove all the way out from Anchorage just to eat breakfast at Family Restaurant with us. It would have been nice if the entire family had come, but not everybody could make it.

Kalib examines his mother's wedding ring.

There were many happy people at Family Restaurant that day. Even though most present were strangers, it kind of felt like we were all one, big, family, all eating at Family, all enjoying breakfast together separately.

Jacob, at Family.

Do you remember how wonderful it felt, when you were his age, and you got to lay your head against your mother's chest and listen to her heartbeat? Although the recollections are a bit dreamy, I do remember. And, just a short distance away from the heart that Kalib listens to, a new one, ever so tiny, also beats.

After we ate, we headed back to the car and passed by this Doggie in the Window. None of us knew how much it was. Probably, it wasn't for sale at all.


*Yesterday's post mistakenly claimed it to be the final of the catch-up series. This is because I had originally scheduled this one to appear earlier in the week, but then moved it to this day so that I could post snow pictures. Then I simply forgot to correct yesterday's post before it went up. When the post was up and I saw my error, I thought, "Oh, well."

Article originally appeared on wasillaalaskaby300 (
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