We have been traveling, traveling, traveling - traveling the highways of south India and seeing many wondrous sights, both old and new. We have met countless people, almost all of them friendly, warm, and happy to greet us.
We have eaten and eaten and eaten and it has all been delicious, even though we have eaten too much and have sometimes suffered the consequences.
What we have had very little of is internet access, and when we have had it we have not had much time to use it, nor have I had any time to sort through the steady stream of images that have poured through my lenses onto my sensor and into my compact flash cards.
Yesterday, as we traveled, I thought that, at the very next opportunity, I would post one image from the day and I decided to make it the very next one that I took, so that I could go straight to it with little loss of time. Then this little lorry came driving the other way and I shot it through the windshield glass.
One day, on a return trip to India, I must experience this method of travel.
We leave early tomorrow evening, which, factoring in the time required to get to the airport well ahead of schedule, really means mid-afternoon tomorrow.
Perhaps I will be able to crank out one more short post before we go; perhaps not.
But, after I get home, I will devote several days to making posts of my India snapshots, even though I will be right back in Wasilla, Alaska - but only for a very short time before I travel again.