I was driving along, the temperature was 38 degrees and the rain was coming down hard, when I noticed that every now and then, a drop of rain would seem to shatter when it struck my windshield. It could only shatter if it had ice crystals in it. I thought maybe it did, I thought maybe it was a soggy snowflake.
I could not be certain, as immediately after it would happen my windshield wiper would sweep it away before I could examine it.
So I turned the windshield wiper off, to see if I could determine whether or not the raindrops that seemed to shatter were actually soggy snowflakes.
And then I noticed that everything looked pretty neat, with the windshield wipers off, so I took a few pictures.
I know... looking at these little images this must look insanely dangerous, but the road was clearly distinguished to my eye even if not to the pocket camera and I never took my eye off of the road, which, furthermore, I saw in three dimensions rather than the two that you see here, so don't get upset and start calling me a lunatic. In fact, I had both hands upon the steering wheel, as I had braced the back of the pocket camera against the top front of the wheel in such a way that my fingers pulled the camera tight against the wheel even as my thumb gripped it.
So calm down.
Just before I pulled into my driveway, a drop shattered that did, indeed, appear to have ice crystals in it. However, before I could determine for certain, other raindrops came and swept it away. I'm hoping that it snows down here in the valley tonight, but it probably won't.
I heard on the radio that it is supposed to snow in Colorado tonight.
That would be awful.
According to Jason Ahmaogak's Facebook wall, it snowed in Wainwright a couple of days ago and everything was freezing up. He was excited - pretty soon he will be snowmachining.
*Cocoon mode: Until I finish up a big project that I am working on, I am keeping this blog at bare-minimum simple. I anticipate about one month.