Kalib at the Fair, Part 2: Kalib is frightened by a horse, dines on nutritious fair food and sees wondrous sights
Monday, September 7, 2009 at 12:23PM
Wasilla, Alaska, by 300 in 33333333333, Alaska State Fair, Jacob, Kalib, Lavina, Palmer, by 300, family, horse

Kalib and his dad went down the big slide. 

Kalib spotted a little girl riding a horse. He decided that he wanted to ride one, too.

It was a tiny, tiny, horse, a Shetland pony, but once Kalib was placed in the saddle, he suddenly perceived it as a gigantic monster. He wanted off.

His dad convinced him to try a couple of go arounds. After all, both Navajos and Apaches are known for their natural horsemanship abilities and since Kalib is both, that ought to make him twice as good.

So off he went, clinging to his blankie and his dad.

But then he just got terrified.

So the horse lady helped him off and handed him back to dad, even as the horses and their riders continued to go round and round. 



Lavina bought corn for herself, Jacob, Kalib and me, too. Or did I buy it?

I don't remember. We kind of mixed the buying. They would buy a treat, I would buy a treat.

Kalib loved his corn.

And he saw many wondrous sights that seemed new to him.

Next up in part 3: Two hot church group chicks battle for Kalib's affections.

Article originally appeared on wasillaalaskaby300 (http://wasillaalaskaby300.squarespace.com/).
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