This Volkswagen and Taco Bell is not the post that I have been working on, but a shallow substitute
Thursday, October 21, 2010 at 3:33PM
Wasilla, Alaska, by 300 in Sandy, Utah, Taco Bell, and then some

I don't quite know what to do here. I have just spent at least four hours, maybe a bit more, working on a 20 image post that I had titled, "the day that I dropped by my brother's house to visit the ghosts of my parents." Text wise, I had worked my way through 10 pictures and still had 10 to go.

Not only was the effort taking up more time than I can afford, but it was creating a great deal of text that was plunging deeper into some aspects of my life and musings than I suspect many readers would care to go.

It's all material that I must write about, but maybe I am getting a little ahead of myself and this is not the right moment.

Anyway, I do not have the time to finish it today.

So I am going to drop it. Maybe I will pick it up again tomorrow or later, maybe I won't. Maybe it will just sit in the draft section of my blog - unpublished, unread, never viewed. 

Instead, just to get something up today, I now post this picture of a Volkswagen parked near the Taco Bell that sits about one block from my brother's house, where the ghosts of my parents reside - at least in the form of artifacts that play with my mind and memory.

As I have already noted, I am back in Wasilla, but, even if I never post what I have been working on, I want to introduce readers to my niece, Julie, and her family. They came to the wedding reception, which Rex and I missed, but not to the functions that I attended and photographed.

I did pay them a visit, however, and I did get photos of all, except for Riley, who had just suffered some dental work, felt like a chipmunk, and refused to be photographed.

And Melanie - please do not get upset with me. I did not eat at this Taco Bell. I was too stuffed to do that.

Maybe next time.

Article originally appeared on wasillaalaskaby300 (
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