Shortly after yesterday's flurry of excitement, I see blured kids through a school bus window
Saturday, November 13, 2010 at 12:19PM
Wasilla, Alaska, by 300 in Wasilla, school bus

I came upon a bit of excitement yesterday, a bit after noon. I photographed it, alright, but the only image that I am going to post today is this one, taken shortly after the excitement had ended, about two miles away from the scene.

Actually this was pretty exciting too, and Kalib would have really been excited if he could have been with me. "Bus!" he would have shouted. "Bus! Bus!"

Kalib just loves school buses.

For now.

As to the big flurry, I will wait to post my documentation of it until Monday. I wait because the number of visitors to this blog tend to fall down a bit on weekends and so I will save it for Monday, when those readers who disappeared to recreate or whatever come back.

I will give you a few clues as to what the subject matter might be:

You know that most days when I am home, I stop at Metro Cafe and then go driving on roads that this time of year can be icy. I often see trucks on those roads, even Kenworth trucks, and I pass horses and sometimes, even people riding horses. Sometimes, perhaps, there could even be a famous person riding a horse and I might not even know it. You know, too, that I took this blog to India for Soundarya's wedding, and found that the highways there can be very scary, and you know that just last week, all the major news and propaganda networks were also busy in India.

So there you go. With clues like that, you should surely be able to guess what yesterday's flurry of excitement was all about.

Article originally appeared on wasillaalaskaby300 (
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