Thanks to the fact that we would have to stop in both Fairbanks and Prudhoe Bay, the morning flight from Anchorage to Barrow takes nearly four-a-half hours. It leaves Anchorage at 6:00 AM and lands in Barrow at 10:21. Here we are, approaching Faribanks, where the temperature is 22 below zero. Not at all bad for this time of year.
Now we are flying west from Prudhoe to Barrow. The time is about 10: AM. From an altitude of 30,000 feet or so, it almost looks like the sun will rise today, but it will not.
And here we are, on final for Will Rogers-Wiley Post Memorial Airport Barrow at mid-morning. Five-and-a-half hours earlier, I drove away from my house in Wasilla. Now, here I am landing in my home on the Arctic Slope on a 20-20 morning - temperature, 20 below, wind speed 20 mph.
There are so many places that feel like home to me that life can get pretty confusing sometimes. No matter where I am, I am missing another place. No matter who I am with, I am missing someone else. Yet, I am always glad to be in the place where I am at and to share the company of the people who I am with.
Much has happened since I have landed and I have taken quite a few pictures. I have no time to edit, write, or blog any further today, however, so this must do it for now.