I drove back to Anchorage today to photograph the final games of both the Barrow Whaler Ladies and the Barrow Whalers.
I simply do not have time right now to edit and prepare those photos, but I will share this one of Kalib that I took afterward. Margie had been babysitting both he and Jobe so that Lavina could go watch some ball playing herself.
Poor Kalib, though - he still was not feeling good.
When Lavina and I came back, he had just fallen asleep on the couch.
Lavina carried him off to bed.
Lavina, and Jobe. Intellectually, I know that babies do this, yet, it still amazes to see how much he has grown both physically and mentally in just over a month.
I suppose I can take just a little bit of time to add one picture that I took at the games, just as a contrast of a baby at seven months to Jobe's one. This is a Barrow baby and I was introduced to him and I memorized his name but I did not speak it into my cell phone and I have forgotten it.
Compared to Jobe, he looked downright huge.
I guess I will quickly grab, without taking any real time to edit or search through my larger take, one photo each from the boys' and girls' games.
Both teams played the consolation match for third place. Meimoana Havea looks for a shot as Dana Chrestman sets up a screen. I'm afraid the Whaler Ladies lost to Sitka, 24-53.
The Barrow boys, however, beat Mt. Edgecumbe, 66 to 46. Forrest Enlow makes it difficult for Mt. Edgecumbe to throw the ball into play.
This is Abu's mom.
And this Johnny Leavitt, who wants a copy of this picture, plus a few dozen more that I have taken of him at various moments in the past.
Here's this one, Johnny.
And here's June and Juko Aiken with a rowdy group of young fans.
I suppose, having gone this far, I cannot leave the Barrow cheerleaders out.
Now some of the smaller villages have their tournament, including the Point Hope Boys and the Wainwright Girls. I think I must stay home both Thursday and Friday, but I will go back Saturday, when I expect to see some of the village kids battling for their championships.