Here I am in Copenhagen, in a stupor
Saturday, June 26, 2010 at 9:35AM
Wasilla, Alaska, by 300

I've got a few things and people met to blog about from the trip so far, but I simply can't do it. I'm in a stupor. Thursday night, or actually early Friday morning, I went to bed at 1:50 am and set the alarm for 4:50 - just in case the rare thing happened and I actually.

But it didn't. After hardly sleeping at all, I made certain to get up in time to turn the alarm off before it went off, then I took a shower, woke Margie up and drove to Anchorage and to the airport.

I had hoped to sleep between Anchorage and Minneapolis/St. Paul but I did not sleep one wink. I closed my eyes and tried pretty hard, but it just didn't work.

Same thing with Minneapolis/St. Paul to Amsterdam. For the first two hours, I forced myself to keep my eyes closed but still I could not fall asleep. Then I watched two movies and then spent the rest of the flight to Amsterday visiting the fellow next. I must put him in the blog, but I can't do it right now.

Nor could I sleep Amsterdam to Copenhagen.

Now I have been wandering downtown Copenhagen for the past six or seven hours, but I haven't enjoyed it as much as I would and in my stupor I kept doing stupid things, like step into a bike trail that I did not recognize as such where a guy plowed in my camera hand with his bike and sent my pocket camera flying and bouncing across the pavement.

It doesn't seem to have hurt it, though.

So I think I will go to bed early tonight, then get up early and catch my flight to Nuuk.

Speaking of Nuuk - there it is on this little map that I could pull up on the seat back in front of me when I was not watching movies. You can see where our plane was when I took the picture. See how close we were to Nuuk?

But we just went on, to Amsterdam, then to Copenhagen and tomorrow I must fly back to Nuuk.

So this is a lesson right here in the challenges that the people of the Iñuit Circumpolar Council have in getting together on any kind of regular basis.

Most of those coming down from Alaska are in Nuuk already and they came on a charter, but it was full so that is why I had to come this way. I didn't feel bad about it, though. I was excited to see Copenhagen.

And now I am too tired to enjoy Copenhagen.

I'm so tired, I can't write another w

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