Knocked down by bugs in the throat and computer
Monday, January 17, 2011 at 2:46PM
Wasilla, Alaska, by 300 in Badami, India, Jobe, Margie, Mat-Su Valley Family Restaurant, Melanie, Wasilla, and then some, family

This is the very first frame that I shot yesterday. Five-hundred and sixty-three more would follow before the day ended, but so far this is the only one that I have pulled up and looked it, because last night and today has been such a mess that I decided just to grab the first picture that I shot, post it and be done with it.

The mess last night happened because a bug of some kind got into my throat and kept me coughing violently all through the night. I did not get to sleep until it was time to get up and then I did not get up.

Then, this program, Lightroom, that I like to use to edit pictures, even though it can be very buggy and exasperating itself, misfired and set off a chain reaction of computer calamities that have taken me two hours to resolve.

Anyway, this was how we began yesterday, at Family Restaurant, where Charlie took us all to breakfast.

I have lost too much time. I am exasperated. This is all that I am going to blog today.


Well, one more, grabbed at random, from India...

...just to leave no doubt...

Two boys at Badami.


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