As you might suspect, I have a lot I want to write about right now and I sat down at this computer planning to do just that.
Now that Jim is on the screen, I realize that for the moment I am just too done in to write it all, so I am not going to even try.
Instead, I will write a tiny bit about Jim.
This whole process has been damn hard on him.
He likes to jump on my lap, walk across my shoulders, my keyboard and then settle down on my torso with his paws on my chest. And I can't let him. It hurts too bad.
Jim is a very good cat - there is none better - but he is not a healer cat in the way Thunder Paws was. If Paws were alive, he would want to be with me, too. But he would know not to walk across my shoulders, or put his paws on my chest. He would know the places where I hurt and he would not touch those places.
But he would touch where I did not hurt, and he would apply his healing powers.
I know this will sound nonsense to many, but that's the kind of cat Thunder Paws was.
He was a healer cat.
And a thinking cat.
Jim is a buddy cat, a fun cat to hang out with but he will walk across my shingles.
He does not understand why I won't let him; why I keep evicting him from the room, or pushing him away if I have collapsed on my back on the couch.
This has been very hard on Jim.
He is not a healer cat and he does manage to make contact and that contact hurts, yet, somehow, his presence makes the pain easier to bear. Even if he hurts me sometimes, he will help me heal faster.
Jim - my good black cat.
How lucky I am to have a buddy like that.
Buddy Jim.