Metro Cafe - six studies from breakfast: the barista, the banker, the young entrepreneur, entrepreneur's mother, the church and the mountain + Carmen, of course
Friday, April 8, 2011 at 12:28PM
Wasilla, Alaska, by 300 in Carmen, Metro Cafe, Nicole, Wasilla, coffee

Caleb had just returned from his night shift at Wal-Mart and had already turned the TV on when I got up. I thought about cooking oatmeal, but the only way I can truly enjoy breakfast at home is if it is very quiet in the house and I can sit on the couch near the backdoor window and glance out at the woods every now and then as I eat.

This does not happen very often, because Margie and Caleb are morning TV watchers and one or the other of them usually beats me to the living room and even when I am first, the TV often comes on before I have taken more than a bite or two.

That's one reason that I really like to breakfast at Family Restaurant - there is no TV there. There are people walking in and out, fragments of conversations drift through the air along with the clinking of silverware against ceramic and  sound of waitresses laughing even when the jokes are not funny.

Then, of course, the Family breakfast is just plain good.

As Margie has been in town all week to care for Jobe, I had so far eaten breakfast thrice at Family and once at home - yesterday. Yesterday, I simply had to eat oatmeal. My body demanded it.

Today, I decided to have the simple Metro Cafe breakfast - a sandwich with ham and egg, a bagel with strawberry cream cheese and, of course, the best coffee in Wasilla.

Through the course of my breakfast, I shot six studies. The one above is the very last of the six studies that I shot, but, as it is a study of beauty, so obviously backed by intelligence, and everybody loves to look at beauty, it is the study that I will begin with. Hence:

From Inside the Metro Cafe, Study #72,629: Nicole, the morning barista, whom I never see during my regular afternoon coffee stops.

From Inside the Metro Cafe, Study #6.2: Nicole and the banker. Yes, I am told, the man at the window works as a banker, for Wells Fargo.

From Inside the Metro Cafe, Study #4698: Mitchell Slater, the young entrepreneur.

Mitchell, who will soon turn 18 and will also graduate from Home School, has already begun his own advertising business, which he calls Alaska's Affordable Advertising.

Some time back, he discovered Metro Cafe, fell in love with the place, the coffee and Carmen (as does just about everyone who discovers Metro and then gives the out-of-the-way-place a chance) and so decided that he would her promote it. Now he is helping Carmen put together a coupon promotion.

I will save the details for him to advertise in his promotion.

From Inside the Metro Cafe, Study # 10: Carmen discusses coupons with Mitchell, the Young Entrepreneur, as his mother, Nancy, and Nicole, the barista, observe.

From Inside the Metro Cafe, Study #9, #9, #9, #9,#9, #9, #9, #9,#9...: mother Linda admires her son, Mitchell, the young entrepeneur as Carmen smiles at him and Nicole, the barista, studies a draft menu made out of the goodness of his heart by Jim, the man owned by the dogs who showed up at the drive through window in yesterday's post.

From the parking lot of the Metro Cafe, study number 96: A car and two churches, one made by the hands of man, the other by the hand of God.

Still pending - the Metro study series that I shot as seen through Nola's new camera. Although the series is now history, I will still run it, because it is a fun series - and it is history and history should be told.


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