Child janitor caught at work during last night's Fox News Republican debate - right under the approving eyes of Newt Gingrich as Mitt Romney glared in disdain; it all got swept under the table

Jobe, who regular readers know has been an enthusiastic child janitor ever since he first discovered a broom - this one in particular. He sweeps for free - you don't need to pay him anything. Provide him with a Thomas the Train toy engine and he'll be happy as can be.
I caught him during last night's Fox News Republican debate when he worked right under the televised eyes of Newt Gingrich, which seemed to look on in approval and Mitt Romney, who appeared to glare at his opponent in barely constained disdain.
Jobe swept it all under the coffee table.
Jobe just loves his broom.
Reader Comments (10)
Those boys have changed so much since we saw them last. Goodness, how quickly they are growing. I have a lovely broom here, if Jobe ever feels the need to branch out.
Best laugh I've had all week!
Somethings never change... child labor and republicans.... screeeeeech. wait... nevermind that thought.
One thing has changed ==> duck tape!
Mr. Hess, duck tape comes in a multitude of colors and patterns now.
And that broom needs some.
Giddy up now, take the child janitor to the duck tape store and pick out his favorite designer duck tape to wrap the handle with.
He is so cute and mischievous!
I sent this on to @gottalaff (Laffy) at The Political Carnival. The juxtaposition of your photo of Jobe and the debate just seemed perfect for her site.
She sent out the following tweet.... (see below)
Bill Hess-Wasilla PHOTO: CHILD JANITOR @#ClusterFox GOP Debate H/t: @Knishette #OilOfOyVey!/GottaLaff/statuses/147742508649156608
If you end up with more hits to the site today, this might be why.
I can't believe how big Jobe is these days. It brings back memories of Kalib and his spatula. I wonder what will become Lynxton's constant companion.
The cutest little janitor ever!
What are Abby's Home Cooking's hours tomorrow? How late is she open?
First, Todd: Sorry to be so late. Given circumstances it was unavoidalbe: Abby opens at 9:00 and closes at 8:00. She does not open Sunday and Monday.
Kathryrn - I am very confident that Jobe would love to man your broom. You might be mush less than 100 percent pleased with what he would choose to sweep away and leave behind.
Mae - We will have to check out this duct tape with duck designs. I like that - ducks on duct tape.
Gane - Is he ever. So cute he can get away with any mischief he makes.
Mirage - Thank you. That did indeed bring some extra hits for Jobe and his broom.
Lynne - Yep!
I'm curious what kind of camera and lense you used for the pictures. The clarity and colors you captured are amazing.
Gwen - it was probably my Canon 5D M II - now out of commission - and my 16-35 F 2.8 Canon "L" lens, now sheared into two pieces as the result of an accidental drop in India.