Here I am, in Kaktovik, attending the Healthy Communities Summit

I have arrived in Kaktovik. I am at the Healthy Communities Summit and the summit has begun. My post will be brief - just to let readers know that I am here. After we landed this morning, I saw this snowplow, clearing the runway.
This is the Waldo Arms Hotel. I am not staying here, but Big Bob Aiken of Barrow was driving me around along with some young people who have come up from Utah and they wanted to get something to eat, so we dropped them off at the Waldo Arms - where the hamburgers are said to be superb.
It has been years - perhaps over a decade - since I last ate a Waldo Arms hamburger, but it was pretty good then, too.
A school bus, passing by, the Beaufort Sea in the background. There are polar bears out on the spit that you see, but this is too far away for me to get a picture. Maybe I will get a chance to get out there before I leave. Kaktovik, for those who don't know, is on Barter Island. It is also the only village located within the boundaries of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Those are not students in the bus, but people from other communities who have flown in for the summit.
I will be very busy here and probably won't have much time for this blog, but I will try to post a little something, every day.