I look through Little Miller's kiosk and see someone look back at me; poets on hold for one more day

Today, I took my coffee break at the drive through on the south wall of Little Miller's. When I drove to the window, I looked through and saw these two, and the guy looked back at me, with suspicion. They got their order before I did. I hoped that he would then come over and ask why I took their picture, so that I might learn their names and get a meaningful observation from them.
But they just drove away.
How would it be, to be young, and to drive away with a beautiful young woman at my side?
That used to happen. It was wonderful. Nothing was more wonderful than that. And now that beautiful young woman is aging and when she sits beside me as I drive, it is wonderful. If you were to ask me what my most enjoyable experiences of the last few years have been, I would put my long drives with Margie at my side right up at the top, along with hanging out with little Kalib (yes, my children, to hang out with you is most special, too).
But since she got hurt January 17, she no longer sits beside me. She needs the entire back seat to support her leg. She cannot stay in the car very long as it leaves her in too much pain.
Now, I must leave for awhile. Day after tomorrow. Who will drive for her?
Yet, I must go, as you will understand when you get to the bottom of this post.
On my way home, I detoured, to extend the drive. Along Shrock Road, this dog trotted by, going the other way.
Right now, I sit at my computer as "Alaska News Nightly" plays on KSKA, our public radio station. The story is how the recession appears ready to smack tourist based industries in Alaska. Cruise ship bookings are down. They just interviewed a man who depends upon cruise ship passengers to make his living. He felt grim.
That's the Catch 22. I don't want anybody to lose their job. I want those who have no job and need one to find one.
Yet, the places in Alaska where cruise ship passengers congregate are much nicer when the cruise ship passengers are not here. It's a fact. Much nicer. And they are here during the nicest time of the year. Such a short time.
Cruise ship passengers, please do not take offense! Buy your tickets and come and visit our great land, with not only my blessing but my invitation. This land belongs to you as much as it does to me.
It's just one of the conumdrums of this life. The more people who come to enjoy a wonderful place, the less enjoyable that place becomes.
There's nothing to be done about it, but to accept it - and to get a new airplane when I can, so I can go to where few tourists travel.
Yet, I have $150 in my wallet, $19 in my checking account and not a dollar in savings. How can I buy a new airplane?
I could use some of that cruise ship passenger money.