I happen upon Sarah Palin, in the grip of a condom huckster, as I walk through Times Square in New York City

I took a bus from JFK Airport that dropped me off at Times Square, where I needed to catch the subway to the place where I am staying.
To my surprise I saw Governor Sarah Palin standing on the sidewalk in front of me, her waist in the grip of a huckster.
"Obama, McCain and Palin condoms," he shouted out to all who passed by, "get your Obama, McCain and Palin condoms, right here! Obama and McCain condoms."
"Hey!" I said, "believe it or not, I am from Wasilla, Alaska."
"I just sent an order of condoms to Wasilla!" he gushed back.
"Yeah?" I responded, "I've got to take a picture of this."
"You have to buy a condom!" he said. "You have to! You can't take a picture if you don't buy a condom."
"You're in a public place," I answered. "I can see you, I can photograph you!"
I raised my pocket camera and shot. He turned Sarah to the side and ducked and hid.
Seemed somehow appropriate.
If had been armed with my SLR, I could have photographed his flight, but this pocket camera shoots one frame, then makes you wait awhile before it will shoot again.
I briefly contemplated pursuing the Sarah Palin toting condom huckster to see if I could get a better frame or two, but then I would have had to leave my rolling suitcase sitting alone on the sidewalk in Times Square.
I did not want to do that.