Shadow has no compassion; Tim is just about done; Metro Window Study; 8:14 to 8:28 PM, two days into Daylight Savings Time

This morning, I was feeling very sorry for myself, so I took a walk with shadow. It looks like shadow is lighting up a cigarette, but he's not.
Even if he wanted to, Shadow couldn't smoke.
He has no lungs.
Shadow didn't care about my troubles.
Shadow was completely indifferent to my plight. Shadow gave me no pity at all.
Still, it helped to walk with Shadow.
Well, sort of. If you look at the bigger situation, it didn't help at all.
It just felt good to walk, that's all.
As Shadow and I neared home, I saw Tim standing in one of the door ways to the shop that he began four years ago and then got serious about just this winter.
I think he will have it done, soon.
At the usual time, I got into the car, turned on NPR and headed to Metro. I was surprised to see a new barista behind the window.
She was surprised to see me.
Her name is Tracey, and she was happy to pose with the old hands for:
Through the Window Metro Study, #2,372
At 8:14 PM, I pulled up to the gas pump. Remember not so long ago, when it looked like this a bit after 3:00?
We are now two days into Daylight Savings Time.
And here is Pioneer Peak and Pizza Hut, at 8:18 PM.
And here I am, on my way home, drinking a Dairy Queen strawberry milkshake, at 8:28 PM.
The Season of Darkness is definately over. We are about to enter the Season of Light.
We are not quite there yet, and political time as opposed to sun time can confuse the issue, but we are very close.
Very, very, close.