Chilled, golden moose nuggets simmering in the sun; Royce update; six reverse Metro studies

This morning, I walked only around the block, because Margie planned to drive into town and spend all afternoon and evening babysitting Jobe and Kalib - both to allow Jacob and Lavina to get out and celebrate their fourth wedding anniversary and for her own joy.
This meant that I would have to walk to Metro Cafe in the afternoon, so I figured there was no point taking a real walk in the morning, but I had to get out and get a breath of the air.
I hadn't gone far before before I came upon these chilled moose nuggets, simmering in the sun.
I am in the midst of processing a few hundred photos and I always start this process in a program called Lightroom. It is an excellent program, but sometimes it goes haywire and does some really strange things. Like last night, when I was downloading pictures from the Barrow basketball games, for some reason totally unbeknownst to me, it started the job properly and then, just a few frames into it, decided that it would only download every other picture that I had taken and that's how it went to the end.
This could have been disastrous for me, as I might well have believed that the images had downloaded completely and then I would have erased the completely full, 16 gigabyte disk and I would have lost half the images on it.
I discovered the fluke pretty much by accident, then I did a second download and this time the skipped photos came into my computer.
Today, Lightroom acted up in a completely different manner - but I won't explain, other than to say that it cost me several hours of wasted time.
During one period of frustration, I stepped out of my office and into the house and found Royce, posing.
Although he is now the skinniest cat I have ever seen - except for Chicago for a brief period in 2001 when she almost left this life - and it is a little horrible to pick him up or stroke him while he sits on my lap because I can feel every bone, he has considerable energy and seldom throws up anymore.
Before I started medicating him twice a day, he was throwing up maybe six to 10 times a day.
So I walked to Metro. I need to get an NPR ap for my iPhone. If I had one, I could have listened to the news as I walked.
I thought about doing so, its just that with all the hassles Lightroom put me through, I didn't want to take the time.
Since I walked, I wound up inside and saw this lady outside, where I usually sit in my car to do my through the window studies.
Those two smoothies both went to her.
Anyway, this image is:
Reverse Metro Study, #9... #9... #9... #9... #9... #9... #9... #9... #9... #9... #9... #9 #9... #9... #9... #9... #9... #9...
Reverse Metro Study, #42
Now Nicole is fixing my drink.
Reverse Metro Study #193
Carmen with Serenity and Mia, who like to come into the cafe and help her out.
Reverse Metro Study, #17
Carmen and Mike, from her church.
Reverse Metro Study, #2901
Reverse Metro Study, #628
Carmen and Claudia, who works in pharmaceuticals.
When she learned that I am one of those growing numbers of Americans who have lost their health insurance because the __________ insurance companies can do whatever the ______ they want and after 15 years of robbing me of my money and giving me very little back, my _______ insurance company, the _________ Mega Life and Health applied a formula to me that told them that it was time to get rid of me before I became a liability and so jacked up my rates overnight to the point where I could no longer pay them, Claudia said that I was in tough spot.
Now, the only reason that I put in blank spaces above is because of my ten-year old reader, Riana.
The words that are in my head go way beyond the "damns" and "hells" that she has busted me for.
Fifteen years worth of health insurance premiums - thrown away.
Senator Murkowski....???????????
Don Young.... ?????????