The chair - why was it sitting there?

As I walked through the snow that fell through the suddenly warm air today, I approached a cul-de-sac and saw this wheelchair sitting there.
I don't know.
I would like to think that the wheelchair sat there because the person who had needed it had been wheeling himself through the snow when suddenly he realized that he had become whole. So he stopped, stood up and walked away, never to look back at that chair.
I would like to think that this person was my own brother, Ron.
He lived in Riverside, California, and is buried in a suburb of Salt Lake City. I can't even remember the name of the suburb. There's so damn many of them there, jammed into so restricted an area, tight against the base of the Wasatch Range of the Rocky Mountains.
Ron didn't want to be buried at all, but rather to be cremated, but my dear mother's religious beliefs thwarted his desire and who was I to stand against my grieving mother?
I have no idea why this wheelchair was sitting there.