The sun rises over the Bay of Bengal

It was still dark when nephew Vijay knocked came to get Melanie and me at the Chennai hotel where he had put us up for the night, and it remained dark as we walked about one mile to the beach.
Vijay was eager to show us a sunrise over The Bay of Bengal. As the dawn glow began to light up the eastern horizon, we could see a low band of clouds that was almost certain to the block the view of the rising sun, but we decided to hang out and watch anyway, to see what it would look when the sun did make it over the clouds.
A bird flew by.
Chennai fishermen paddle into the dawn to make their living.
A wave rolls past the fisherman.
We cannot yet see the sun, but it is reflected off the half-moon above.
The sun makes it over the clouds, over the fisherman.
Two men walk by with a dog.
This happened yesterday morning. Obviously, circumstance has prevented me from keeping anything close to a daily blog of our travels in India. I think circumstance will continue to do so for the remainder of the trip.
But I was just reading the Anchorage Daily News online and they ran a series of pictures taken in April, so I think it will be alright if I post most of my India material - including the wedding - after I return home.
And Vijay - thanks not for showing us the sunrise, but for everything that you did for us during our stay in Chennai.
You are a great host, nephew.
(As always, a click on a picture will reveal a larger copy of any image.)