Master chef boy Kalib shows up carrying his spatula, then whips up some chocolate chip cookies; his little brother falls asleep

Late yesterday morning, master chef boy Kalib showed up carrying his spatula. He was ready to cook.
Soon, he was mixing dough to bake chocolate chip cookies.
He spread flour across the counter top, and then discovered that if he whipped it off the counter and into the air, the flour spray would glow in the sunbeam that shone through the window.
He had already put in the white sugar - now it was time for the brown.
He did some of the steps out of order, and did not follow the recipe closely, but that is the kind of thing that master chef boys do.
His grandma poured vanilla extract into a measuring spoon.
Kalib had to be certain that this task was done right, so master chef boy took the measuring spoon from his grandma and applied the vanilla to the pre-dough concoction himself.
He used a potato masher to mix everything together.
Then his mom showed up with an electric mixer as little brother Jobe drifted past the picture of little brother Jobe than hangs on the refrigerator door.
Before I continue - I must emphasize that Jobe also did something pretty darn spectacular during this visit, but I can only stuff so much into one post and so I am saving Jobe's accomplishment for another day.
Kalib stood ready with his mixing fork, just in case his mother did not do such a good job with the electric mixer.
Kalib added more flower and such to the mix.
Kalib checked to be certain that there are no frogs in the mix. A frog would spoil the cookies.
Then it was time to add the chocolate chips. So Kalib added one.
Then he ate a chocolate chip.
Next, he ate another chocolate chip.
To make it easer for him to dump all the chocolate chips at once, his dad put the chips in a bowl. Kalib extracted one and ate it.
Then he extracted another and put it into the mix. At his rate - three chips, one at a time, into Kalib for every chip, one at a time, into the mix, it was going to take a long time and these cookies were going to be sparse on chocolate chips.
The process of applying the chips was taking so long that Jobe grew tired and weary. He began to yawn. His mother tied him into his cradle board, where he promptly fell asleep.
Somehow, a number of chips sufficient to make cookies made it into the batter. Kalib assigned the menial task of placing the dough onto the cookie sheets and into the oven to his father.
When the cookies were done, Kalib ate them himself. Every last one. He teased his dad with this one, pretending that he was going to let him take a bite, but devoured it before Dad could.
Maybe I exaggerate a little bit.
Maybe Kalib shared the cookies with the rest of us.
Maybe we enjoyed them, because it is fact that they were damn good.
Maybe I ate more than I should have.
Maybe I still feel the excess chocolate chip cookies weighing down my tummy.
Probably not, but maybe.