Cocoon mode* - day 5: Kodiak Bear tears up cross-country race course

The other day, I received an email from Leonard Barger, who coaches the Point Hope cross-country team and basketball, too. He invited me to come and photograph them as they competed in Anchorage, yesterday, or Palmer, today. Since Palmer is only 12 miles from my house and Anchorage 50, I chose Palmer.
Given the fact that I have 96 pages for this big project that I am working on and that I have already laid out about 250 pages and have some more to add before I cut it back to the 96, you might wonder why I would throw even more into the mix.
That's just how I am.
There are no Point Hope athletes in this shot. This was the first race, the girls open, and I did a few test shots to try to figure out where I ought to be when Point Hope ran.
This is not Point Hope, either. This is Kodiak Bear Dylan Anthony, who, in less than a second, will set a new record for the 3.1 mile Palmer cross crountry course: 15:42.
Don't worry. I got some good pictures of the Point Hope athletes, but I am saving them for my publication, even though I have no idea how to fit them in. Afterwards, of course, I plan to break that publication down into several parts and run them here, so Leonard and his athletes will yet race across this blog.
*Cocoon mode: Until I finish up a big project that I am working on, I am keeping this blog at bare-minimum simple. I anticipate about one month.