Just about, but not quite done, facing confusion, I take a break to walk five dogs 200 yards

I am very close to having parts three and four* of the funeral ready to post, but nothing is actually ready until it's ready and so far today I have spent the past five hours dealing with a completely unrelated and unexpected matter, the kind of thing that can happen when nine people travel, all to the same destination but at different times, so I am going to save it for tomorrow.
Instead, so that I do not miss a day of blogging as I did Saturday, I will post these five images of me, walking LeeAnn's dogs. I was a bit nervous about it because five is a lot of dogs to walk at once and I had no confidence that I could keep the two little ones, Chewy and Alfie, both of whom seem very good intentioned but quite scatter-brained, under control. Nor did I have confidence that, if they escaped me and ran off somewhere, they would know how to get back.
So I called LeeAnn and she said as long as I had Chewy on a leash, it would be okay. Chewy was the only one that I need worry about running off.
I found a leash. Sparey, the weiner dog, headed out the door as I was preparing. Soon he returned to the door and impatiently peered back inside, wondering what was taking me so long.
So here we are, the six of us, out walking. It's true, you only see three, Chewy, Sparey and Famous, but there are six, counting me.
Famous, doing his famous walk.
We had not gone more than 200 yards with Alfie disappeared. This worried me a bit, so I backtracked and found him at the house. I tried again, with two leashes, but then we encountered a gaggle of roaming dogs (and for the English pedantics, I know that gaggle is geese and pack is dogs, but, trust me, this was a gaggle of dogs) and it got pretty chaotic and I had to take everybody home.
I tried a couple of more times, but one thing or another always happened and we never got more than 200 yards from the house.
Later, I was going out the door with Sparey when Chewy, the one who LeeAnn said I did need to worry about, scurried out the door ahead of us. Soon, Chewy was bounding through the woods. I had to bound, too. Chewy did not want to be caught and I could not catch him.
So I called on Shadow. It is easier for him, because he only has to work in two dimensions, whereas I must deal in three. A dog can find more places to escape in three dimensions than it can in two.
It worked. Shadow caught Chewy Shadow and that somehow put flesh Chewy in my arms. I carried him home.
All was well after that.
*I plan to post parts 3 and 4 simultaneously, so if you come back on a link that takes you to one or the other, please be aware that they will both be up.