A boy, a dog, a pizza, a cat and a wife on Super Bowl Sunday; Durga, in the form of a beautiful woman, slayer of the buffalo demon

Yes, all who have returned from yesterday, you guessed it: I ordered our Super Bowl Sunday meal from Fat Boyz Fatery Pizza. As Fat Boyz is only 1.5 miles from the house, I decided to walk over, place my order, then walk back home, get in the car, drive back, pick it up and bring it home.
That would be a three mile walk - not as much as I want or need, but better than no walk at all.
As I walked down Seldon towards Fat Boyz, I saw this boy and this dog walking in the opposite direction, coming towards me. I decided immediately that I would not take any pictures. I would give them a sociable nod hello and just keep going.
That's because, given all that I must do before I leave for Barrow tomorrow and given the fact that I knew that, in spite of myself, I would not get much done during the Super Bowl, I wanted to keep this blog post very short.
I figured that the pizza and Margie watching the Super Bowl would be all that I could deal with.
But when I reached the kid and the dog, the boy stopped me.
"I'm exhausted!" he exclaimed.
"How come?" I asked.
"Because I just got up!" he said.
So I figured that if he was up to it, I might as well take a picture for the blog.
"What's the dogs name?" I asked, as I shot the above.
"I'm not sure," he answered. "This dog has had lots of names. I think its Smokey now."
As to his own name, the boy said it was Unknown. I showed him my blog on my iPhone and he said he recognized the folks at Far Boyz.
I then thanked him and was about to move on, but then Smokey playfully tipped Unknown onto his back.
Smokey and Unknown. BTW - Unkown assured me that Smokey does not bite. Unknown's mother insists that he wear the muzzle when he is out walking, just to be safe.
Unknown tries to get up but Smokey licks him in the face.
Unknown again tries to rise, but Smokey puts his weight on his shoulder.
So Smokey and Unknown take a break.
Then Unknown again tries to rise, but Smokey takes him back down.
Finally, Unknown manages to get up and they start walking down the street. "That Smokey's a good dog," I tell him.
"I don't know," Unknown answered. "He had his manlys cut off a few days ago."
Then Smokey tripped him up a bit.
I was reminded of a recurring dream that comes to me in one form or another. Somehow, I fall down. I keep trying to get up, but I keep tripping and falling again. Over and over.
"Who you for, Unknown?" I shouted after them.
"Green Bay!" he shouted back. "Of course I'm for Green Bay."
I did not see them on the return, so I assume they made it home safely.
Soon, I made it to Fat Boyz. My camera was too cold to use inside, where it would just fog and ice up.
No sooner had I walked in then I was informed that, just before me, someone had placed an order because they had read about Fat Boyz on this blog.
You know, when you are a blogger, you want to make a difference in this world. You labor hours and hours upon end, reaping far, far, less than minimum wage, just hoping to make a difference. Sometimes, you wonder if it is all futile, if you are laboring in vain, your images and words slipping into the deep abyss of cyberspace, making no difference whatsover.
And then you walk into Fat Boyz pizza and find out that someone has just placed an order because of your blog.
Suddenly, you know its all worthwhile.
Suddenly, you know you and your blog are making a difference in this world.
You feel new strength, new determination to carry on.
And carry on I will.
I will!
I will!
As I walked home, I saw this guy walking towards me. I could have stopped him to learn his story but I decided I had enough to deal with already.
And then this airplane flew overhead and I remembered how my life once was, how I hope it will yet become again. It will yet become again.
I was not created to remain always upon the ground.
As I drew closer to home, I saw Jared, out in his yard. Jared was not going to watch the game. He had other things to do that interested him more. Jared has a snow plow and anyone can hire him to come and plow their driveway or road.
Unfortunately, of all the winters that I have ever seen here, this has been the least snowiest of all.
We have a dearth of snow.
It is terrible.
But there's lots of February still ahead, March and April, too. March can often be the snowiest month of the year.
So there's hope for Jared, yet.
As every US reader already knows and maybe some of the rest of you, too, towards the end of the first quarter, the packers put a touch down on the board and then, 28 seconds later, Nick Collins intercepted a Steeler pass and scored six more.
Unkown would get to celebrate a Packers victory. We were for the Packers, too - mostly because Green Bay is a small town. I googled the population: just over 102,000 - less than half the population of Anchorage?
Can you imagine, if Anchorage had an NFL team?
But that's not the important part of this picture.
See how the Fat Boyz pizza is already half eaten.
Today's pizza was truly super.
"Oh, this is good!" Margie said upon taking her first bite.
She offered many more praises before the game ended.
At some point in the second quarter, Chicago joined us.
She had no interest in the game whatsover.
Maybe if it had been the Bears...
From India... Durga, Slayer of the buffalo Demon:
While walking through one of the ancient Hindu temples of Pattadakal, Melanie and I met this priest, who invited us to enter a tiny, dark, alcove in which sat this idol of Durga.
I asked my friend, Kavitha, who wants to come and hike with us in the Brooks Range this summer, before returning to India to take a long trek and bike ride at 17,000 feet in the Himalayas that will finish in Tibet, if she could help me with Durga's story.
This is what she wrote:
The mythological story goes thus –
Long, long ago, there was a demon king called Mahishasura <Mahisha is Sanskrit word for buffalo and Asura = demon>. This demon had the capability to change between human and buffalo at will. He terrorized the earthling, invaded heaven defeated the gods, and drove all the Devas <Gods> out of heaven.
The gods got into a meeting to strategies against the Asura. Since he was invincible to all men, they decided to create his nemesis in the form of a woman. The Devas combined all their Shakti <energy / power> to create a beautiful woman. They named her Durga.
According to legend, Durga created an army to fight against the forces of the Mahishasura. After nine days of fighting, Mahishasura's army was destroyed; she finally killed him on the tenth day of the waxing moon. Durga is therefore called Mahishasuramardin i(literally the slayer of the buffalo demon), the destroyer of Mahishasura.
This event of victory of good over evil is celebrated in various versions in India. It is also said that the region where Mahishasura ruled is now called Mysore.
Thank you, Kavitha (Cawitha)!