Sleeping Lynx update; accident blocked by and seen in rearview mirror; those who root for the opposition

Today I drove into Anchorage to do a little work with some young people who had come down from the North Slope to attend the Elders and Youth Conference, held in conjunction with the Alaska Federations of Natives Convention. At lunch, I dropped by Jake and Lavina's where I got to see baby Lynxton.
As usual when I see him, he was asleep.
He is growing and needs his sleep.
I left early, a bit after 3:00 PM, because I have much production work that needs to be done and will have almost no time for AFN this year. As I entered Wasilla, I saw what appeared to be a pretty bad traffic accident. There were a number of vehicles involved, spread over a wide area on and off the highway, at least three ambulances, several police cars and some fire department vehicles.
A victim was being strapped onto a backboard.
Soon, the accident became a shrinking image in my rearview mirror and I drove off toward home - just like we always do after we come upon an accident.
Still, as I drove away I thought of the oft-quoted John Donne line, the one that inspired the title of one of Hemingway's most famous books: "Ask not for whom the siren wails - it wails for thee."
Or something like that.
And yes, it has wailed for me so many times... for my brother Ron, for Margie's father Randy, her sister Melinda, Anil, husband of my soul friend Soundarya followed so shockingly and rapidly by Soundarya herself... and these are just a few. The list is long... long... long... altogether too long.
As usual, I wondered why The Creator of this earth designed things this way. Many people of varying faith claim to know. Me, I don't know.
Tonight, I searched online for some information about the accident, but could not find anything. If there had been fatalities I am certain I would have found something.
Still, lives were undoubtedly changed... I hope not too badly, and I hope not irreversibly.
Tonight, among others, I began to edit my pictures of the final two Barrow Whalers football games.
I came upon this image of the cheerleaders for Nikiski, running the track just before the championship game.
I know I will not use it in my publication, because if I do, that would be one less picture of the Barrow kids that I can put in and that publication will be for them and their fans.
So I use it here, and will hope that some of the Nikiski cheerleaders happen upon it.