Kalib feeds the fish, waves goodbye and then he leaves to be surrendered to his parents

I didn't really settle down to sleep this morning until about 7:00 AM, so I did not get out of bed until after 11:00. When I came out, Caleb said that I had a Kalib hairdo, kind of like what you see here, on the real Kalib. Except that mine is thinner, of course.
Judging from the look of things, Kalib must have been playing indoor golf.
Margie planned to drive him into town to surrender him to his parents, so I would not have a car for the rest of the day. I would not be able to go out for my late afternoon coffee break or anything. I pulled out the oatmeal, but before I could add water to it, Margie said, "why don't you go out for breakfast? Then you at least have some kind of outing today."
So I did. And as I backed out of the driveway, Kalib came to the window.
I ate breakfast with strangers, but that was okay, because the food was truly excellent, even the hash browns. Sometimes, at Family, they turn the hashbrowns into mush with a hard, crispy coat, but today they cooked them just right. They were excellent.
On the way home, I passed by this dog.
Right after I got home, Kalib decided that he wanted to feed the fish. When they saw him coming, the fish got excited and came to greet him. The fish know that when they see Kalib, they are going to get fed.
Kalib feeds the fish.
Then it was time for him to go. He gave his grandpa a hug. It still annoys me to hear the word "grandpa" applied to me, but I sure do enjoy having a grandson.
He reached the door, turned, and waved bye-bye.
He was anxious to get going.
Uncle Caleb buckled little Kalib into this car seat.
Uncle Kalib then cleaned the headlights off. As you can see, the weather has turned dreadfully warm. It was 31 above at this moment.
Margie gets into the driver's seat, Caleb says goodbye to Kalib and then my wife drove away with my grandson.
When she returned many hours later, she informed me that Kalib and his mother were both delighted to see each other.
As I have already informed you, Margie leaves for Arizona Thursday night.
"Somehow," she told me, "I have got to find a way to spend some more time with that little boy before I leave."
What will she do? How will she do it? How is she going to bear being gone from him for almost a full month?
She has gone to Arizona a few times since Kalib was born, but he and his mother have always gone with her - or she has gone with them.
Except for a very short walk, I spent the rest of the day, into the wee hours of this morning, right here, at my computer.