We take a scary drive to take a dog home and then we get to see three boys who are not as little as they were last time

Muzzy had been separated from his immediate family for almost four weeks now and besides that he kept eating the cats' food. So, somewhere between 2:30 and 3:00 PM, we loaded his own food and personal possessions into the car, opened up the gate to the back and in he jumped.
We - Muzzy, Margie and I - then set off to drive to Anchorage. Down on the floor of this valley, the sun, which at its zenith now barely rises above the tops of the mountains to the south, had already set.
It's rays still created a beautiful fringe of light on the icy mountain tops.
The highway was icy, too, and scary. Here and there, cars had slid off the road.
I thought of the day before, when I had decided to sleep and let Margie drive herself into town for her doctor appointment. As I stated, she hates to drive in the dark, especially if there is ice on the road. In contrast, my night vision is probably about as good as anyone's except for a cat.
When I saw the ice on the highway, the big trucks and thought of Margie driving this gantlet in the dark, I felt very badly that I had slept. But, she did good. She came back alive and well.
We reached Muzzy's house in safety. In the window, I saw the face of a little boy who, it felt, I had not seen in years - even if it had only been a bit less than four weeks.
Dog and family exploded in joyful reunion.
Finally, it calmed down a bit.
Then Jobe noticed that grampa had come, too.
Kalib dragged his grandma to the downstairs playroom to see the trains. Jacob and Lavina bought this set of Thomas trains off Craigslist for $40 - and it has proved to be the best toys these boys have ever had - better than anything electronic or magical.
They hold it, they carry its cars here and there. They push it around the tracks and even where there are no tracks.
They never tire of Thomas the train.
I want such a set for myself.
I don't know where I could put it, but I want one.
Lynxton was sleeping in the very dimly lit master bedroom. His dad was still at work. It is kind of hard to get off a plane after three-plus weeks in Arizona, southern Utah and Las Vegas and go straight to work, but that is what he had to do.
Lavina goes back to work Monday.
It was hard enough for her just to leave the warm sun of the southwest and come back to Alaska.
Margie plans to go in Sunday night so she can stay and hang out with the boys.
The cats and I will be alone again.
Last Christmas, Melanie gave Margie and I a gift card to Century 16 and we still had one movie and one set of refreshments left on it.
So, at 5:00 PM, we headed to Century 16.
We saw Hugo.
MAGICAL movie.
I was entranched from the first fame to the final.
And that was the 2D version. The time of the 3D was off for us.
Yet, even the 2D often seemed 3D.
Gotta see it in 3D, some day.
Oddly enough, this latest wonder of modern communication technology really brought to life the wonder of books.
It made me want to do nothing but read books - and create books.
Afterward, we returned to the house to see if Lynxton had woke up yet. We found him asleep in the cradle of his dad's arm.
He soon awoke. Then his grandma took him.
I was amazed at how big he had grown - how chubby his face had become.
His had left with a lean, slender, face. He returned with chipmunk cheeks.
Lavina ate a lot of mutton in Arizona.
And then we left to go home.
As we always do.