Christmas Day, Wasilla, Alaska, 2008 - post # 1: we walk

Despite all the destruction by construction that has taken place in this community in the 27 years that we have lived here, there are days when a walk in Wasilla feels just like a walk in paradise. Today, Christmas, 2008, has been such a day.
I should note that the little dog that has distracted Muzzy is the same one that mauled its owners pet bunny nearly to death, down on the corner where the chicken crossed the road, the rooster got shot and the drunken good humor lady crashed her ice cream truck.
I love this place. I can't help it. I just do.
Wasilla, Alaska, Christmas Day, 2008. "Merry Christmas!" I shouted to the three people on the snowmachine as they drove past.
"Merry Christmas!" the woman in the rear shouted back, her voice muffled by her helmet and the roar of the machine.
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