Colony Knights Marching Band feeds us spaghetti as part of its quest to march in the Inaugural Parade for Barack Obama

Two of my children, Rex and Lisa, graduated from Colony High, so I was very pleased when I heard that the school's marching band had been invited to march in the inaugural parade for Barack Obama. The fact that Margie, Lisa and I plan to be in DC at that time made me doubly pleased.
Then I learned that this had all happened so fast that the band was still far short of the funds needed to go. They had asked for $15,000 from the Mat-Su school board to help them reach their goal of $50,000, but the board, on a split 3-3 vote, denied the request. Those who opposed it expressed a fear that if they granted the money to the band, then other groups would come along and want special traveling money from them, too.
They made no distinction between an invitation to a Presidential Inauguration and a field trip somewhere.
So, when I learned that the band was holding fundraiser, I decided to go go buy a plate of spaghetti and do at least that little bit to help them get there.
Once I got there, I grabbed a bowl of salad and took a seat at the table right in front of the band.
As I waited for my spaghetti to arrive, I pointed my camera at the above band members. Not knowing how the evening would turn out, they took a breath and prepared to make music.
They played jazz numbers with with energy and vigor. As they did, more people continued to stream in, to lay down their $10 for a plate of spaghetti to help send the band to DC. It was encouraging, but it would take a lot of spaghetti to make up for the shortfall this band faced.
When they finished the number, they relaxed a bit. Maybe, if there were some really generous people or organizations out there that might go overboard for a plate of spaghetti, they could relax even more.
Among those who had come bearing $10.00 bills was Joy Gifford and her daughter, Dani. Even though her daughter is not a member of the band, Joy wanted to support them because they were her peers and she knew that they would be in for an exceptional, once-in-a-lifetime experience. Dani had participated in another youth program that had taken her into Mediterranean Europe and Joy had saw how it had benefitted her daughter.
Dani came back to Alaska with a broader perspective on life and could better understand world and national affairs. Dani agreed, and noted that she good friends in the band and she wanted to help them get to DC.
Joy also noted that she had not voted for Obama, but that didn't matter. His Inauguration will be a very special moment in American history, she explained, adding that she is happy that the United States has reached a point in its development where a majority of the people could elect an African American.
"These students will witness this first hand. They will remember it for the rest of the their lives," she said.
The fundraiser was held at the Palmer Elk's club, which happens to be located in Wasilla at Barry's Resort on the edge of Finger Lake.
Colony High itself is like that. Some of the students live in Palmer, some in Wasilla.
The room where the fundraiser was held was lined with artwork and various items, part of a "silent auction" to reach beyond the fund-raising limits of spaghetti.
Once their instruments were put away, the Colony Knights Marching Band got an exceptionally pleasant surprise. See the lady holding the check on the left? That is Cheryl Riggs of the Mat-Su Health Foundation. The check is for $10,000 and comes from various pools of discretionary funds within the board's budget.
What could be more healthy for a young person than to march in a Presidential Inauguration parade? Other contributing board members include: Jack Williams, Larry Tallman, Terry Namtvedt, Linda Menard, Paul DuClos, Jr, Stacie Stigar and Deborah Prator.
The second check was presented by the gentleman standing at left, Bill Allen, Palmer City Manager. It is for $1000, from the City of Palmer.
The Rasmuson Foundation donated $2000.
All totaled, adding in spaghetti and silent auction funds, the night brought in about $17,000.
First, I apologize for not naming these girls, members of the band who can also sing. I should have written their names down last night, but I thought that today I would just email the photos to a source who would know and get all the students named.
It didn't work.
But they sang beautifully, and here the song is "Moon River."
To me, one of the most poignant and saddest - perhaps the very saddest - movie moments was in "Breakfast at Tiffany's" when Audrey Hepburn picked up a guitar and sang "Moon River."
But I side-track myself.
The same scene from a little further back.
The lady in red is the person who headed up the fundraising effort: Lynn Gattis, Secretary of the Knights Music Boosters.
It appears to me that she did a pretty good job.
You can find the Knights Music Boosters website here.
And there is another group of Alaskans who will march in the Inaugural Parade:
Suurimmaanitchuat of Barrow
I will post some pictures of Suurimmaanitchuat tomorrow.