Finally, I ignore these damned injuries and do something

For the first time since I took my big fall and got hurt June 12 of last year, I got out into the country and did something. Remember how I said that, in the situation that I am now, I did not think that I could drive a snowmachine and I knew that I could not hang onto the back of the sled?
Yesterday, Jason Ahmaogak was ready to go down to the ice to work on the boat launch in the hope that the wind and current would soon shift and the lead would open.
I could not stay on land. I was going to ride on the back of another snowmachine, but the driver hurt her wrist and could not go, so she said I could take it.
Of course, I have this brace on my wrist, not to mention the weakness and soreness, but I decided to give it a try. I found a way to do it.
It felt so good, to be out there on the ice.
So good! Wish there could have been water, wish there could have been whales, wish I could be here when there is water and whales.
I will be either on my way to or in India by then.
It will be good to be there, too, but I will miss Wainwright and the whales.
Too many places to be, all at once.
More on the little outing next post.