Today we dined at Taco Bell

Even though it was Sunday, we did not go to IHOP today. Instead, as lunch neared, Jacob, Muzzy and I took off walking towards Taco Bell, somewhere between four and five miles away. Margie would be coming the other way, taking her lunch break.
She would pick me up, and Lavina would come from behind, and pick Jacob and Muzzy up.
Sometimes in the past, I have left early enough to walk all the way to Taco Bell and meet Margie there.
Before I got hurt, I often rode my bicycle and I would almost beat her there.
I would not have wanted to ride a bike today, anyway. This is a bike trail that we are on, right here. Someone had plowed it in the morning, but enough snow had since fallen to make a miserable pedal out of it.
Lavina, Jacob, Kalib and me at the Taco Bell order counter. That's me in the blue. I am holding the camera out over the cash register with my left hand, since it is still hard to stretch my right that far. I asked the kid behind the counter if he could see those three on the camera screen. He said he could, so I took the picture.
The focus could have been better, but it's good enough.
Kalib ignores his Cheerios to watch little kids pass by. I heard a girl at the table behind him tell her dad, "It's your birthday, Dad! Happy birthday, Dad!"
A car passes by as Margie and Lavina visit. Lunch is over. In just minutes, I will drive Margie back to work at Wal-Mart, and then I will drive home the long way. I have a series of pictures from that drive, too. Let's see if I get a chance to post them.
I have much to do, and every minute that I spend in here is a minute away from that. And thanks to the odd vagaries of Squarespace, my bloghost, I spend much more time here than I ought to, just wrestling with the strange glitches that invariably pop up.
Reader Comments (4)
Hmmm yum yum. Is Alaska always snowing?
No always, Standtall. Summers can be sunny and hot. But they can also be cloudy, rainy, and cool.
Always love seeing your photos of Wasilla and Alaska.
In summers, the mosquitos can be VERY BIG. leading to the joke about the state bird of Alaska being a mosquito. LOL. The summer I was there, I noticed that everyone had mosquito repellent with lots of DEET next to each door.
Yep - the Arctic Slope of Alaska has the highest concentrations of mosquitoes in the world. Maybe sometime I will post pictures that show this.
But anywhere you go in Alaska in the summertime, except high on the mountains or on the coast on a windy day, the mosquitoes are plentiful.
Oddly enough, this past summer had fewer mosquitoes then I had ever seen up here before. It was a very cold summer, following a cold winter. That probably had something to do with it.
So far, this winter has been warm. Too warm. Hardly feels like Alaska - but it is!