It is most humorous to have a titanium humerus

I drove to town (Anchorage) today and I shot quite a few pictures with my new 5D, but when I went into the doctor's office I carried only my pocket camera. Right now, I have decided to ignore the 5D pictures in order to make this a strictly humerus post. Titanium humerus.
That thing in the x-ray is, indeed, my titanium humerus, the one that replaced my bone humerus after the fall that led me to pocket camera photography. It reaches from my shoulder socket nearly to my elbow.
It is expected to serve me for about 20 years and then, if I live that long, I must get it replaced with another.
How humorous is that?
My Doctor was pleased with this x-ray. I am doing very good, he says. Still some healing and mending to do, but now it is time to start strengthening my shoulder. So he gave me the rubber band you see here, plus a pulley, and as he demonstrated various exercises that I can do to strengthen it all, I could not resist the photo.
This Doctor, by the way, Dr. John Duddy, is a most excellent doctor and I am most fortunate to have fallen under his skilled and compassionate scalpel. Should any readers likewise injure yourselves, if you can, I would suggest that you skedaddle to Anchorage, Alaska, and let him fix you up.
Well, to be correct, the scalpel is not skilled and compassionate. Rather, it is the man who used that scalpel on me who possesses these attributes.
Thank you, Dr. Duddy!
And "thank you" falls very short of the gratitude I feel.
Reader Comments (4)
I'm very happy to see that you are well on the road to recovery.
Well, I just don't quite know what to say about this post. Other than you are too hilarious for words.
So how'd ya' get a photo of an x-ray?
A little blond mouse told me that I am getting a new SLR for my b-day next week and I'm so excited I almost pee'd my pants. I know absolutely nothing about photography so I will look to you to give me pointers my dear friend.
Is there a Dummies for digital photography out there? Hmmm, better check.
Hugs - Lindy
Well, Doc hung the x-ray on a light box on the wall and then I took a picture of it.
Here's the best advice I can give you to begin with... shoot, shoot, shoot!
Don't worry about making mistakes, don't worry if every picture is good.
Just shoot and shoot and look at what you have done and then go shoot some more.
I am glad you were one of the lucky ones that survived under his can always look up how many malpractice suits he has and just ask any other patient how his bedside manner is...good luck to you....