The days now begin to lengthen; after the colonoscopy

Oh, hell - I stated that this blog is on hold until after the New Year, but I had a colonoscopy today and I got starved, medicated, dazed, and miserable and then stuffed and miserable. I lack the energy to work on my big project. So I post two photos here.
It won't hurt anything, even if no one comes back to check.
I took this picture yesterday, Winter Solstice, mid-afternoon, somewhere between 3 & 4, going down the ramp to Wal-Mart. Now the days begin to lengthen.
Although, if my tentative travel plans hold up, for me personally, the days will yet get much shorter; in fact, daytime will soon disappear altogether, save for the hint of dawn-dusk at the hour of true noon.
But right here in Wasilla, the short, dim, day has now begun to lengthen.
This is my physician, Dr. Natalie Beyeler, explaining what she found during the colonoscopy and the EGD. On the EGD, they run a tube with a camera attached down through your throat, Esophagus and stomach. You know where the tube goes on the colonoscopy.
Once again, I am faced with lifestyle changes. If it can be consumed and it is something that I enjoy, then I need to cut back or even eliminate it. If its bland and doesn't bring me much pleasure, then I can eat or drink all I want. No problem.
Dr. Beyeler is an excellent physician and I would recommend her to anyone.
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