I take a short break to post five pictures of Melanie and her cats, from today; I will get back to the AFN images tomorrow
Here is what happened: both Melanie and Lisa filed a complaint that Grahamn Kracker had not put up a new post on the No Cats Allowed blog for far too long. So, today, while I was in Anchorage on what was the final day of the AFN convention, we all had a late lunch together and then I swung by Melanie's where I photographed Slick and Diamond - this being Slick, or Bear Meech, as Melanie usually calls him.
We then went to coffee with Rex and Lisa, and then to Lisa's, where I photographed her new kitten, Zed, as well as the young adult, Juniper.
I then prepared these five images, as well as six others of Lisa's cats, for Grahamn Kracker to post on his silly blog.
But I am so tired and so desperate to go to bed and sleep, that I decided to allow Grahamn Kracker to only post the Lisa cat pictures and I would post Bear Meach and Diamond here.
Tomorrow, I will get back to the pictures I took at AFN and will put up a few posts - because I can't cover it in one.
Melanie, Slick and Diamond.
Diamond leaps over Bear Meach.
Diamond, Melanie and Slick.
That's it. I'm going to bed.
Reader Comments (1)
totally awesome, bill! two cats are better than one. esp. when one is leaping in the air and bill clicks his shutter.