A short walk on a beautiful, snowy, day

Oh, damnit! I put up all those posts last Thursday so that I would not have to put any up this week and what am I doing? Putting up new posts every day!
Well, a very nice snow was falling as I walked and I thought, "I will get one image and add it as an addendum to the Family Restaurant post" that I had originally scheduled to go up in this time slot.
But after I got home, I wanted to share the entire walk, so here it is, beginning with these three girls, Tristan, Trimilin and Destiny, just a way's down Sarah's Way. Actually, I doubt that Trimilin's name is Trimilin at all, but that's how I remember. I stand to be corrected.
Oh well. It shouldn't take that long to post this.
I will just move the catch-up Family Restaurant post that was going to go up this morning to Sunday, November 15. It took place on a Sunday, anyway.
I was walking down Ward's when I got a feeling to turn around and look behind me. When I did, I saw these two young moose crossing the road. I think their mom must have already crossed when I was looking the other way.
After I turned away from the moose, I saw this pickup, being spun in brodies atop the Ward's Road hill.
Brody spin #2.
Brody spin #3.
Brody spin, #4.
A different truck coming down the hill.
Tracks left by the brody-spinning truck.
Back on Sarah's Way - a lady who has two dogs shovels her driveway.
Reader Comments (8)
We do not have snow. I am not complaining. Spinning brodies? Here we call it 'doing donuts'. One time I was driving past a closed supermarket. In the vacant parking lot was an unmistakeable Camaro doing donuts and... *deep cleansing breaths* Well, just let me think of that boy in footed pajamas for a while....
It is so inspiring to me that you find beauty in all the little things that make life.. i wish i could see the world through your eyes :)
Ash, you ARE seeing the world through Bill's eyes! Thank you again, Bill. Here in Minnesota we are having temperatures in the 40's and 50's. No snow that's lasted for us, but that's okay. It comes, it's beautiful, and so far anyway -- it goes.
Look at all that snow!! Wow! Love that you caught those moose, that's so beautiful and looks so peaceful.
Oh wow!! It's 70F here in the California desert where I live. I could use a little snow now and then, not enough to shovel though!!
I think its in the heart of most residents of Wasilla to want to spin brodies after I witnessed seeng a Geo Metro spinng brodies (on Dry ground before the snow hit) near the Gas Station where the two police cars were sitting at the pumps with their lights flashing when I last came out to visit with you and the family! This fresh snow makes it easier to accomplish some really fun brodies though!
I know what Ash is saying....how many of us see a brody pattern on ice and think to photograph it? or think to photograph a car doing brodies?
I have enjoyed all of these comments. It's very late and I am too lazy to respond to each one, but thank you, all.