Real Wasilla - not to be found in Rogue: Snowplow comes down the road, turns around and goes back up again; Kalib loses shoe on sub-zero drive; more

As I took my walk today, I saw a snowplow coming down the road.
It zipped right past me.
It reached the end of the road, then turned around and came right back again, it's second blade grinding loudly against the pavement it scraped.
It zipped right past me all over again - talk about deja vu!
Here is Kalib, at the Post Office. I see that he has removed one shoe. That's the thing to do when the temperature outside is -5 F (-21C).
On the way home, we passed a postal worker distributing mail. Kalib did not witness this great event.
He had fallen asleep - that's why. I picked him up, carried him into the house and gave him to Margie, who put him into bed for his afternoon nap.
As soon as he hit the mattress, he was wide awake. (I received a complaint from down in the Navajo Nation today: each of my last two posts contained only one photo each of Kalib. This was highly inadequate, I was informed. POST MORE PICTURES OF KALIB!!! I was chastised. Well, today there is three. I suppose three won't be enough, though.)
At 4:00 PM, I took my coffee break and drove past these kids, playing in the snow.
And here I am, in the drive-through at Metro Cafe, where some important business was being conducted.
As should be clear to all readers, here in Wasilla, the excitement never ends.
You won't find anything like this in "Going Rogue," but you will find it right here, on this blog.

Reader Comments (7)
I could scarcely breathe, it was so exciting. I mean here, all I've got is laundry, hauling a load of firewood, and filling out some government paperwork. I guess that I will simply accept the fact that not all of us can live in the bright lights of Wasilla.
I prefer your version of Wasilla. Reminds me of the people here in my hometown. We have a couple Kalibs in our family, too. Lots of escapades.
You can never have enough pics of Kalib
Those snow plows "zipping" buy was the only reason I could never feel comfortable letting my kids walk to school, even though we lived only 3/4 mile away. In the dark when they leave, and home in the dark. I actually felt guilty to drive them, but my imagination and those plows wouldn't let me allow them to walk. Is that driver coming towards you talking on a cell phone? I don't know how their nerves can take it, such awesome responsibility driving those tanks at high speeds. I'm hoping my eyes are wrong about the cell phone.
In the book, I found no description of how the town of Wasilla got the name? Was "Wasilla" a person? or a shopping mall or a runway for hunters long ago?
I understand the local highschool has a American Indian moniker for their sports team. I find this odd, yet quite telling as to the possible origins of "Wasilla".
I'm just a casual visitor, but even I want more photo's of Kalib. The photo of him in the driver's seat w/out the shoe is so cute!!
Debby - Yes, it just never stops here!
Whitestone - I hope someone is photographing those escapades.
JFH - I will have to take more, then.
Sylva - I blew the image up to 100 percent on my computer and it sure looks like he is talking on his cell. I can't say for absolute certainty.
DC: Wasilla is named for A Dena'ina man of the same name, He was a chief. I have been hearing that the word means, "A Breath of Fresh Air" but that seems too convenient.
Michelle - There's lots more pictures today!