I journey backwards and bump into Joe Lieberman in Boston, I come forward to find a man walking; honest, forthright, horses and Kalib feeding fish

That's Boston down there, over six years ago - May 12, 2003. I had no intention of posting this in today's blog, or any day's blog. In fact, I had forgotten I had ever taken such a picture, until today, when I stumbled across this while looking for something else.
This is not what I was looking for, but I did at least remember taking this picture, shortly after the above airplane landed in Boston, MA.
I was on my way to Washington, DC, and was slightly surprised to bump into Joe, who was going there, too - Joe Lieberman, who was then the Democratic Senator from Connecticut. He's still the Senator from Connecticut but I am not quite sure what he is.
At that time, he was running for Vice-President with John Kerry and we thought he was a Democrat.
I was independent of all political parties, but knew that I would be voting for Kerry and Lieberman.
Lieberman was friendly and personable and we had a nice little chat.
I wish that I could have another chat with him now, so that I could tell him how how my health insurance company has failed me, how it has proven to be an obstacle to my health care rather than a benefit.
I would ask him why he stands up for them and against me and my health.
After we finished our visit, these two ladies came along. They got pretty excited. "Look!" one of them said to the other. "That's Joe Lieberman! He's going to be President of the United States."
Now, I come back to the present - or at least, to one-half hour ago, when Kalib came into my office to feed my fish.
It's only one picture, but I hope it makes you smile, Mary.
Earlier in the day, a little after noon, as I drove down Seldon with Margie, I saw a man walking.
And later I saw these horses, all of whom were upright and honest individuals of great character, living together in a community of peace, love and harmony, where everyone shares their hay equally. Yet, the picture is exceptionally deceiving, for it was very nearly dark when I took it. The snow was dim to look at and the horses were mere forms against it.
But, to see what would happen, in Lightroom, I hit the auto-adjust. It brightened up, but in a strange metallic, blue, hue. I color-balanced it a bit and this is how it turned out.
It is a lie, honestly told.
This is the original exposure and is pretty close to how the scene actually appeared, except that this might be a little lighter than it looked to the eye. Pretty close, though.
Reader Comments (3)
All very cool photos but the Kalib image wins hands down!!
I am glad to know that there are honest and upright horses living in Alaska. I was beginning to think that they were all morally bankrupt. I read a good quote about health care: "Insurance is a compelling political issue, unless you're the person without coverage."
Maybe you should write to Joe Liberman and tell him how you feel about health insurance and why. He makes me very frustrated and I wish the Democrats would not welcome him back when he goes out and helps the Republican canidate run for President. He says he is an Independent but he seems to support whichever canidate he thinks can help him the most. Maybe he is just a very selfish man.