"Cheese!" Kalib shouts! Orange cat, orange buses, orange dog, orange day

Kalib grows ever more articulate. In the evening, I point my camera towards him and he suddenly shouts, "Cheese!" Another new word in his limited but growing vocabulary! But where did he pick it up from? I never tell anyone to say "cheese." To do so would be to violate my photographic technique.
It must have happened at day care. At day care, he gets his picture taken every day for the class e-newsletter. The picture taker must have told him to say, "cheese!"
Kalib and Royce.
Kalib agains becomes aware that I am taking his picture. "Cheese!" he shouts.
The love between these two is something to behold.
I should note that Grahamn Kracker, the blogger who lives in a parallel universe to mine, got quite upset with me when he learned that I was going to post this series of photos. To somewhat placate him, I agreed not to run the entire series, but would let him do so.
If you like cats, you might as well hop on over and take a look. If you don't like cats, then this is probably enough for you - perhaps too much.
Around here, we like cats.
As I ate a hot dog in the parking lot near KFC, I saw a trio of school buses - all orange, just like Royce - coming down the road. I was pretty certain that nobody would believe that I had witnessed such an amazing event, so I took pictures of each as they passed by.
This is the first one - School Bus # 241212.
If you could see the picture full size, the number is clearly visible, a short distance above the left headlight.
School bus #246512.
School bus # 230456. A tiny one! Just cute!
As I near home, I spot another school bus. I cannot see it's number. Still, I would say it was a pretty amazing coincidence.
Or... perhaps... just perhaps... it was not coincidence at all?
An orange dog. This is just altogether too much orange for one day!
I can't deal with it. I guess I had better eat some yams, and pumpkin pie.
Happy Thanksgiving, thankful people.

Reader Comments (6)
Extra turkey for Royce today--what a good cat! Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Happy Thanksgiving! CHEESE!!!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and all you love and hold dear. And thank you for all the work you do.
Happy Thanksgiving to your family. That is one good cat by the way.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. And Thank you for including me as your e-friend.
Linda - He is a good cat. Thank you.
Mikey - Thanks.
Dr. Mickey - I will try to do better.
Debby - yes, a great cat.
Kavitha - Believe me - you are even more than an e-friend.