I take a walk on a warm, dim and snowy day

I woke up late this morning to discover that it was a warm day - right up near freezing. Soon it started to snow. This is how it looked when I took my walk, a little after 1:00 PM.
As long as it doesn't get any warmer, it will be fine. As I sit down to write this, the temperature stands at 25 degrees. The humidity is 93 percent. I want to note this, because what people always like to say about Alaska is, well, your cold is a dry cold.
And that's true. When it gets truly cold, the air is always dry, because it loses its ability to hold moisture. Moisture freezes right out of it. But when the temperatures rise to warm cold, then we get humidity, too.
Snowmachine rider and dog coming down the Wards Road hill. When I was far away, they kept going up the hill and then they would turn around and come right back down again. I had hoped they would keep it up until I drew close, so that I could get the expression on the dog's face as its legs churned and its little lungs damn near burst, but they didn't.
This was their very last trip down the hill - and this is a tight crop from a much broader horizontal image.
The view from the top of the Wards Road hill.
Now, I have a big task to which I must fully devote myself for at least the next three days, maybe longer. My entries in that time will be very simple, like this one, maybe even simpler.
This makes me a little sad, because the hits to this blog have been steadily on the increase and now I must give some of it up.
Oh, well. When I start back up again, I will hopefully be ahead of where I was the last time I had to stop and restart.
And I do have some big plans for this blog. No resources to do it, but the plans are there and the ideas as to how to go about it have been taking shape.
The resources will come from somewhere. I have no idea where, but they will come.
All I have to do is build it.
Then they will come.
Reader Comments (5)
Reading your posts makes me thankful I live in the lower 48. Although it seems every male I know has said at some time or another, "I'd like to live in Alaska." I must not be adventurous. I'd rather live here than almost anywhere, Alaska or otherwise.
Having written that preamble, I must say, I am enjoying your daily browse around Wasilla. And the friendly faces.
Go Bill!........Go Bill!.......Go Bill!........Go Bill!
I'm with MG. You go! Ask Bush Babe and Mikey about the advertising on their site. The other thing that I meant to tell you is that you said that most of your pictures are not 'wall hangers'. Well, jeepers, Bill! You live in the midst of some of the most beautiful scenery there is! Maybe you need to take some 'wall hangers'. Maybe you need to sell them. Because, really, you're a pretty good picture taker. CHEESE!
Hi Bill! I will visit your blog with short posts or long posts, doesn't matter. It's all good.
Whitestone - If everybody loved Alaska like I do, it would be a hard place to live in because everybody would be here. But truthfully, the thought of living full-time anywhere but Alaska depresses me, like I am putting on a straight jacket.
MGSoCal - I will! I will go!
Debby - Thanks for the encouragement. When I get time, I am going to explore all these things.
Michelle - :)