Kalib moves out, final: He shares his dad's birthday dinner, helps? decorate the Christmas tree; Today in Wasilla: Familiar face regurgitates, then pops through the door

I take one last journey back to last Friday night, when Kalib moved out. Here, he looks through the window of his new house as his Uncle Kalib pulls into the driveway. Just moments before, his dad pulled in with something special in his vehicle.
It's a Christmas tree! Kalib gives instructions and directions on where and how to place it.
Before the tree can be decorated, we all go out to celebrate Jacob's birthday. Jacob chose the nearby Taco King.
We all ordered Mexican food.
Kalib ate a wedge of lime.
Then we returned to his new house to eat cake. There were no candles at all, this time, so Lavina tore off a piece of a paper bag, rolled it up and lit it on fire. The lights were turned out. The paper only smoldered, and try as I might, I could not take a picture off the glow of the smolder.
In desperation, I dialed my shutter speed down to something like maybe a full second or two and tripped the shutter. Even as the image was exposing someone turned on the light.
Kalib lifted up the first piece and dumped it upside down atop the cake. Oh, it was a good cake, though. Margie made it. Lisa bought the ice cream.
Next it was time to decorate the tree. Kalib began the task with confidence.
Can you see how sleepy he is? Remember, he had hardly had a nap at all. He was very tired. Everything in his world was changing.
He started to cry and ran across the floor. Lisa tried to amuse him with a balloon. He ignored it and zipped right past her.
Then he flung himself face down upon the rug that his parents will soon replace. Caleb tried to amuse him by bouncing the minature Spiderman basketball.
Kalib would not be amused.
And right after this, his gramma and I had to say goodbye and leave.
Early the next morning, his actual birthday, btw, his Dad had to leave to go to Washington, DC, for some training.
Today in Wasilla:
What!!!??? Who is this, sitting on our couch with Caleb, eating strawberry Jello??? Why, it's Kalib! But he moved out? How could this be?
Last night, he started to vomit. Fearing that it was fumes from the new paint that has gone up on the walls since he moved in, Lavina brought him home. He is going to stay here for a few days now.
We have since learned that three of his day care peers had to go home today, because they were vomiting, too. So maybe it wasn't the fumes.
Whatever, he is here again.
And here I am, driving down Lucille Street, on my afternoon coffee break.
As you can see, weather-wise, today was exceptionally nice. It sounds like we were about the only place in the country with good weather today - except for Hawaii, where surfers were cutting up giant waves, 30 feet tall - a gift to them from Alaska.
I want to ride a 30 foot wave.
Do you think I could?
Or would such a wave tear my artificial shoulder right out of its socket?
I wanted to go to Hawaii this winter to find out. But I can see that its not going to happen. No money for such a trip.
Life is hell, I tell you.
Maybe next winter.
Maybe I will be richer then. And stronger. Grayer as well. Richer, stronger and grayer.
If so, then I will go to Hawaii and ride a wave.
Maybe not a 30 foot wave.
They don't get such waves every year, you know.
Nobody can know exactly when they will come.
And then when they're done coming, they're done.
There's nothing anyone can do about it.
You can't schedule that kind of surf.
It happens when it happens and only when it happens.
Reader Comments (4)
Kalib eating lime! Oh, My, he is a brave fellow! Especially for one so young. I am sixty-ish and I am not brave enough to eat lime!
I love the picture of Kalib with the chocolate cake on his face. He is very smart and is in on everything, and I don't blame him! There's too much going on to be left out! I sure hope he's feeling much better by now.
majii in GA
You got a Kalib-loss reprieve! Enjoy!
Oh, boy, I am even further behind than I thought I was.
Whitestone: The sourness didn't even phase him. Like the time we were eating in Jalepeno's and he just picked up the salsa and started drinking, never flinching.
majii - Yes, he's smarter than his grandpa, even - and he already knows more than I do.
Michelle - We treasure every minute with him.