Christmas Day: It's gone now, but I remain stuffed and full, blessed with wealth, even in tight times

The preparations had been going on for quite awhile by now, but I had not been ambitious enough to take a picture. After Margie baked these cookies, Charlie did some artistic decorating. Lisa was amused.
Out in the living room, the good black cat Jim stepped into the shadow to eat tinsel and study the gifts that waited under the tree.
Charlie takes a picture of his cookie artwork as Melanie, Lavina and Margie keep on cooking.
As I take a picture of Charlie's artwork, Jacob reaches in to begin destroying it.
Kalib is impatient and tugs at his mom. No, they did not stay here last night. They drove out in their pajamas.
Many gifts were given. Lavina gave Jacob a new electric razor.
I gave Lisa a framed picture of her buddy, Juniper.
Margie gave me the pig. I gave her the salt and pepper shakers. We were both very pleased.
And here is a camera that Margie and I gave to Rex. He is going to Seattle next week to hang out with his buddy and he will need to take some pictures.
Charlie with a little, cast-iron, bird that I gave him.
Caleb got some tires with snow studs for his bike.
Kalib opens up a gift from his Uncle Caleb. Uncle Caleb was born with a magnificent artistic talent, but he has never come around to harnessing it. A good uncle teaches his nephew, so maybe they can help each other.
Charlie blessed the food. It was an unconventional blessing, but he said he was glad to be part of this family. We are glad, too. I took no more dinner pictures after this, because I was too busy eating.
Kalib feeds turkey to his buddy, Royce.
Later, we came back to the table to eat pie and fruit goup.
As good as it was to be together, to exchange gifts and to eat, the day still came pierced by a huge hole. If it is a little hard to read at this size, the words on Rex's shirt say, "Table for one."
It is still a big and painful mystery to all of us why Stephanie up and walked out, but she did and there is nothing to be done about it. Rex has asked us all to think of her kindly and lovingly.
Rex left first, to go meet his buddy, Eddie, who now lives in Seattle but is also in Wasilla to visit his family.
I never stepped outside today. Just before they all left, I laid down upon the couch and was soon covered by a cat blanket. I normally step out onto the porch to wave goodbye to everybody as they leave, but I was too sleepy and these cats felt too good.
So, one by one, the departers came to the couch to give me a hug, then they all went out the door and drove away. I stayed put on the couch for a very long time.
Guess what? Kalib turns two December 26 - hey! That's today! - so, after we get some sleep, we will all gather together again.
Reader Comments (9)
It's very, very hard for me to choose a favorite picture from this group, but I guess it has to be Kalib and Royce. Thank you for sharing your family times. Best wishes for the New Year.
wishing Kalib a very happy 2nd birthday!!
Thank you so much for sharing your photos and your family time with us.
Happy Boxing Day!
Merry Christmas! Happy birthday! The celebrations never end with the Hess Family!
Unconventional blessings always come directly from the heart. That is not a bad thing at all!
I am glad to see that Christmas did come to Wasilla. I actually was beginning to be a little afraid for you all ~ !
Christmas must have skipped our little town on its way to Wasilla. I'll be posting shortly how and why we fared as we did. I like the photo of Royce examining Rex's camera. He looks as if he's checking to make sure you got just the right one.
Very touching blog. Thank you for sharing your family celebration. Happy Birthday Kalib!
"Fruit Group"......haven't heard it called that in ages!.....thanks for reminding me, I need to start calling it by it's proper name again........happy hollidays to you and your crew and let the celebrations continue.
A big happy birthday to Kalib.. 2 is a fun age to be :) Lovely pictures Mr.Hess.. :)
I love the look on Lavina's face when Kalib is opening his present.. Moms are just the best :)