2009 in review - July: Kalib goes south, I go north; Margie gets injured all over again

Okay, I am hurrying along now. Wainwright: Max Akpik and his granddaughter, Cora Ann.
The Frontier Flying Service Flight from Wainwright to Barrow.
Baby Rebecca Brower, winner of the Barrow Baby contest, in the arms of her grandmother, Rebecca Brower.
These are the three who competed for this year's Miss Teen Top OF The World title: Rochelle Oyagak, Selma Khan and Freida Nageak. As you can see, they had to stand against a strong wind.
Selma, who sewed the parka that she wears in honor of her grandmother, was awarded the title. She is now a freshman at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks.
With some encouragment from her Aaka, four-year old Jacklyn Sceeles dashed to third place in a Barrow Fourth of July footrace.
I went on a caribou hunt with the Nageaks. That's Ernest holding the rifle. Kuuniaq is pointing towards a large herd up the rise. A rather special story came out of this hunt, a story that is hardly even hinted at in this picture. But it is in the Uiñiq that will soon be distributed. I hope to later share it here.
This is Kunuknowruk, also known as Pete Lisbourne, a treasured friend and the man who hosted me during my trip to Tikigaq, also known as Point Hope. For those of you familiar with my book, Gift of the Whale, he is the man who you saw picking murre eggs off the 900-foot cliffs of Cape Thompson, and then resting on the very edge at the very top with a cache of eggs in front of him.
Although he is not inclined to speak about it at all, Kunuknowruk is not only a Vietnam veteran, but one decorated for heroism, for risking his own life to save another when others held back.
Jimmy Nukapigak on the Kuukpik River, taking whitefish back home to his village of Nuiqsut.
Me on the jet headed back to Anchorage.
I went straight from the jet to the Moose's Tooth, where my family treated me to pizza as a late birthday celebration. When I opened the present that Jacob, Lavina, and Kalib gave me, I found an ultrasound of my next grandchild, loosely scheduled to be born on February 27.
The day after my return, Margie fell again and broke her knee for the second time. She suffered even more than before. It was very hard.
As I pedaled my bike, this kid came pedaling in the opposite direction.
Kalib and Muzzy.
Reader Comments (2)
Wow.. I didn't know you had written a book Mr.Hess.. I don't know if I can find it in India but I'll surely try to find and read it..
The picture of the caribou hunt is spectacular.. Eager to know what the story connected with it is..
And baby Rebecca is too cute for words.. That beauty deserved to win :)
I live in Alaska, and it's pretty rare to see such glimpses into rural Alaska (especially in the far north)...we don't see a lot of this type of coverage in the newspapers because the communities are pretty remote and many of them don't have any news outlets. So, a HUGE shout out to Bill for once again showing us these places in photos. This is a true service.