The hungry little redpoll; hungry me, people go sled riding off Church

This morning as I took my walk, I came upon a little redpoll, hoping down the road in front of me.
I could see no food in the snow that covered Sarah's Way (no, not that Sarah's way, but our Sarah's Way) but the little redpoll could. Every couple of inches, it stopped to peck up a meal.
The little redpoll and its food. The redpoll made me wish that I had carried more than my pocket camera with me today, but it is easy to carry the pocket camera everywhere. Despite its limitations, I love the pocket camera beyond all my other cameras.
I can carry it in my pocket, you see.
Well, I did it again. Ate junk food, and here I am, behind this woman in her Dodge, waiting in line at the Taco Bell drive-through to get it. I brought home a couple of tacos for my injured wife, as well.
The ingredients were all healthy, so, how bad could it be?
And on the way home, I saw these people sledding on a tiny hill off the shoulder of Church Road.
Other than these few little things, my day was pretty much spent where I type these words, in front of my computer.
And such was this day, right here, in Wasilla, Alaska.
One more full day at home and then I go to Barrow for Kivgiq.
I look forward to Kivgiq, but how can I bear to leave my injured wife without me?
I can hardly bear it!
But I must go. I really must.
I always must go.
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