Tot pulls fire alarm - daycare gets evacuated - firetruck comes - tots wear space blankets

It was awful. We drove into the parking lot of the daycare center where Kalib now goes and there found a firetruck, obviously called to action, and a bunch of toddlers huddled nearby, wrapped in space blankets.
That's not what was awful. That was kind of cute. What was awful is that Margie and I had not seen Kalib for several days. His Mom and Dad had been housesitting for some friends in Anchorage and they had taken him with them.
We had told them not to take him, but to leave him with us. They disobeyed.
Now I had to take Margie to town to get some X-rays so that we would know how well the breaks in her knee and wrist were healing.
Since we were in town, we went to see Kalib, but we arrived during an emergency.
We studied the faces of all the little toddlers huddled by the firetruck.
None belonged to Kalib.
And then the firetruck left.
We spotted Kalib! He was being carried in the arms of a daycare worker. He and the littlest toddlers had all been evacuated to a nearby building, but now she was bringing him back.
There never had been a fire. One of Kalib's more advanced and skilled daycare mates had found the emergency fire alarm and had pulled it.
Hence, all the excitement.
Too bad we did not get there earlier, when people still thought there might be a fire.
Once he was safely back inside the daycare center, Kalib completely ignored me. He wanted only to go to his Mom, who I had picked up at work and brought over.
Once he was safely in his mother's arms, Kalib wanted to come to me.
Kalib, coming to me.
And look at that! It's right there on his sweatshirt. It is he who is coming to the rescue, not me.
As for Margie, I haven't the time or energy to post the experience tonight, but I will try tomorrow, if nothing prevents me.
Reader Comments (1)
My co-workers son pulled the handle. When asked why he did it his response was, " because my hand was on fire."
it wasn't.