Nasuayaaq gives Kalib his Eskimo name

I am a bit overwhelmed by this. I can hardly write about it. Margie, Lavina, Kalib and I all went to town today, where I spent some time visiting George and Maggie Ahmaogak of Barrow, in their Anchorage home. When the three of them came back to pick me up, Lavina brought Kalib in so that he could meet George and Maggie.
When they entered, Kalib reached out his hands to Maggie and went right to her. Then George stepped into his sight. He reached out to George. The whaling captain and former Mayor of the North Slope Borough scooped my little grandson up into his arms and the two laughed and smiled.
They seemed overjoyed to see each other.
And all the time, my pocket camera was in my pocket. I missed the moment.
And then George gave Kalib an Eskimo name - Nasuayaaq. His own.
He explained to Lavina that Nasuayaaq was a great whaling captain, one who always fed and took care of his community.

Reader Comments (2)
Kalib has some big shoes to fill, what an incredible gift! I'm sorry you didn't get the photos, but I'm glad you watched them meet.
Beautiful post, Bill. Thank you for sharing Kalib's gift with us.