The moose that scared me - Caleb practices his swing as he waits for spring - Kalib stacks cans

I passed through the marsh toward's the end of today's walk and I was not looking at anything, other than the images in my mind. Suddenly, I heard movement to my side. I looked, and saw this moose, looking at me. I am not afraid of moose. I see moose all the time. I give them their space and try not to get between a mom and her calf; I respect them, but I am not afraid of them.
But suddenly I felt fear. I don't know why. I just did. I felt like I needed to move away promptly. I quickly raised my pocket camera, shot this frame and moved on. I knew this shot would be blurry. Normally, I would have stayed, shot a few more images, but today I didn't. I put my camera back in my pocket and just moved on.
I left the marsh and approached the house through the back yard. As I drew near, I saw the silhouette of Caleb through the back door window. He was practicing his golf swing, as he does everyday. He is waiting for the snow to melt, so he can smack a golf ball for real.
He and Tiger Woods.
I found little Kalib stacking cans. He built the stack to three high and it fell over. Yesterday, Lavina took him to the doctor. The doctor asked her if he could stack blocks three high.
"I don't think so," she answered.
Kalib does not usually stack blocks.
He stacks cans.
Soon, he builds the stack back up. Carefully, he places the third can...
...he gets a sense of satisfaction from this...
..."careful... I think I've got it..."
He's got it!
After all that work, Kalib needs a drink. He swigs one - a big one.
Then he knocks the stack down.
Hey! I just went back into the house to eat. As I sat on the couch, eating my mac and cheese and green beans, Chicago napping on my lap, Royce against my shoulder, my camera out of reach - Kalib stacked the cans five high!
That is the kind of toddler that he is!
Reader Comments (1)
excellent stacking technique! and lovely wrist bones... fingers crossed for your results.