Too tired to blog tonight, folks

Did you ever reach the end of the day and discover that you are simply too tired to blog?
That's what's happened to me tonight. I am simply too tired to blog. So I won't. I will not write one word. I will not post one picture. This is our back yard, btw, from earlier this evening.
As for little Kalib, when he leaves here with his parents in the morning, his grandmother and I will not see him again for a week.
His grandmother will be very sad.
His other grandmother, the one in Arizona, she will soon be very happy.
That's how God made this world - when one grandmother grows sad, the other becomes happy.
Why the hell did God do that?
Will I wake up in the morning?
If I do, I think I will have ham and eggs.
I will feel bad for the pig.
These days, when I have ham and eggs, I always feel bad for the pig.
I still enjoy the ham.
Ham is good.
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