Melanie and Buddy at the banyan tree

This is Buddy, my nephew-in-law, but I just call him Buddy, or nephew - I don't waste time with the inlaw part. As I move through my India take, I expect Buddy to become a familiar sight in this blog. He is a college student, studying hotel management and in the not too distant future hopes to land a training job on a cruise ship.
Maybe he will then cruise to Alaska. If he does, Melanie and I plan to go a port that he will land at and take some ice cream to him. Chocolate ice cream, with little chunks of donut and raspberries frozen into it.
He is standing inside the multi-sectored trunk of a banyan tree near Murthy and Vasanthi's house.
Cobras are known to sometimes hang out here, especially during heavy rains, but Buddy is not afraid and neither am I.
Nor is Melanie afraid.
She is not wearing a saree. She will need one for the wedding. Where will she get it?
I was going to show you, but I am just too damn tired. Jet-lagged big time.
I will show you tomorrow.
Unless I sleep all day.
That would be nice.
I don't think it will happen.
My computer screen grows blurry in front of me.
My eyelids keep falling down.
Maybe it would help if I ate cake.
But there is no cake.
What am I to do?
Reader Comments (2)
Wow, while I read your blog I feel am traveling along with you guys. I know am being selfish can you sequence your posts according to the dates and places.
i picked u up thru an article on a maine bookshop in the nyt. i am fascinated with the north. my late dad spent 15 yrs in the yukon and, of course, wasilla is now famous. but that's not the point. i'm not in the habit of reading blogs, but there is something about your prosaic/everyday/poetic sincerity that draws me in. zach on maui