India, Wasilla, work - I have hit that proverbial wall

To the 3.578 billion people out there who read my blog daily, you who hardly sleep at night because you are so excited to get up to see what I have posted that you can't even shut your eyes, let me say that I am perplexed. I am confused. I do not know how to proceed.
I just don't.
I am a perplexed, confused, man.
Anyway, here is a picture from India - a Hindu temple at a place called Hampi, which was a thriving city until Muslim invaders destroyed and ruined it in the 1600's, then left it to fall into the earth.
The temple did not fall, however. Much of Hampi did, and is now rising once again from the earth, but the temple stood tall through all the centuries that have since passed.
When I returned home, it was my plan to spend two weeks posting pictures and a narrative from my India trip. In that time, I planned to cover the entire experience. But here it is, two-and-a-half weeks later and I have not even finished my account of the first three days, including Sandy's wedding.
I have nearly two weeks of work beyond that wedding to cover, work that I shot over a fairly large swath of southern India and risked not only my own life but that of my beloved daughter to get.
You will see what I mean, if and when I get to the images that make the point.
I skimmed through the entire take the other day and was rather amazed at some of the images I spotted. For two weeks plus a day, I did pretty good, I think.
I have hardly even posted a hint of it, so far.
What is to become of all this India work? Will it just be buried, unseen, in my computer, as was my last trip to India? As is so much of what I shoot? Where do I find the time to edit, process and post it? Before it becomes ancient history?
Meanwhile, life is moving on in Wasilla. People need to know that the antics of our most famous citizen are not indicative of us all. Other than the short time I spend each day riding my bike and snapping pictures as I go, I am so overwhelmed that I cannot document this town, as I planned when I started the blog, as I promised to do. And in nine or ten days, I head north, to the Arctic Slope, where I plan to stay until late July.
So, what do I do?
I don't know.
My black cat knows what I should do.
He has a perfect understanding of everything.
I wish I were as wise as he.
Yet he can be very silly.
I think maybe I will eat some enchiladas.
I really love enchiladas.
Reader Comments (5)
I look forward to whatever you decide to post. I enjoy stopping by almost daily to see your beautiful photos and read your funny and sweet words. The India pictures have blown us away, I've shared your site with my Honey as well as a few of our friends. So beautiful and conversationally inspiring, if that makes sense. Take care of yourself and hug everyone for me please. I actually might get a chance in a few weeks...we'll see. Jake says there's a small possibility of meeting up!
Bill; hii--
I've enjoyed your blog just as much as the other 3.5 billion daily visitors. I note your recent comments on the Canon G10. I've just purchased one and I'll be doing an 8 day bike tour of the West of England next month. I'm wondering how you manage a G10 on a bike. Do you carry in in a jersey, a bag, or...? As you know, it's significantly heavier than most small cameras but as a photographer I felt the extra quality--and the additional control-- would be worth having.
Angel - yes, you might get to hug Jacob, Lavina, Kalib and Margie, but not me. I will remain behind in Alaska.
Gordon - Thanks. I think you will figure it out pretty fast, but, from my experience, I would advise not to sling the strap over your shoulder, but keep it around. Keep it short enough that the camera does not bang into any part of the bike. It is also good to have a pocket in your t-shirt (or whatever top you are wearing) so that you can place the camera in it when you get tired of it swinging about, but can still retrieve it quickly when you need it.
I hope to see some of your pictures.
I've found the G10 doesn't fit in a shirt pocket. Are we talking about the same digicam?
Gordon - There's only one G10, so, yes we are. You just have the wrong shirt, with the wrong pockets. I have these t-shirts and it fits very nicely into the pocket.